The GBCCS logo

The GBCCS Logo represents Garth Gaenssler’s approach to and vision for coaching. It considers the drive and intent to improve and continuously grow a business through the use of the methodology applied by GBCCS in its coaching.


The Pegasus Emblem

Pegasus represents the client. Pegasus is a symbol of virtue, creative inspiration, and high-flying imagination. In the logo, Pegasus is forced to rise as a result of the intervention of GBCCS.

The Pegasus jumping the hurdle

A hurdle represents a difficulty or part of a process that may prevent you from achieving something. Pegasus jumping the hurdle implies moving forward and overcoming these obstacles.

The responsibility and effort to change and grow remain with the client. It is the clients’ life, ambitions and destiny that are at the centre of the coaching process, and so they must use their own energy and effort to effect any progress.

The three gears

The three gears on the logo represent the methodology I apply during my coaching sessions. The three gears interlock with each other in the same way each perspective of the methodology is fully dependent on the other to achieve the aims of the client and their business.

The gears are placed at Pegasus’s heart because they are central to our coaching process. The gears represent…

  • Business
    All the processes, principles, vision and dreams that need to be considered when running a business.
  • Other People
    The many other people who have an influence on you and your business, and who you need to consider and react to. This includes family, clients, customers, suppliers, and many more…
  • Personal
    You, your dreams and ambitions and all you are able to influence or need to react to. You are the reason you have or want a business. We need to align your desires with your business If your wants and needs aren’t aligned with what your business is doing you are not moving in the direction you want to be going and this causes conflict.

The line in the hurdle

The human mind likes lines and logic to build foundations and structures. These structures often are


limiting and need to be cleared for progress and growth to be achieved.

We often place “timelines” on things and consider these to be linear as well. We see time as a line in which we move forward. But time isn’t linear, it is a force of nature that keeps us spiralling into an upward motion in the shape of a circle.

The circle

Circles are the opposite of linear – there is no corner, edge, or ending to mark where it begins or ends. Circles represent limitless things, eternity, unity, and wholeness. They hold and contain energy – cycles of growth exist within them.

Symbolically, a circle represents the completion of cycles, transition, potential, and a never-ending movement towards self-realization.

A circle protects against chaos and unpredictability and invites an element of “trusting the universe.” It symbolizes the natural order and progression that inspires us to keep going.

Just like a clock moving through time in a circular motion, we feel a sense that there is a beginning and end to the day; yet, time never begins or ends, it just keeps moving in a circle, and every day we grow, learn, and change with the motions of time moving us along these cycles of the day.

The colours – Blue and Orange

These colours represent Opposites and Emotions. No other colour combination is quite as effective at this because blue and orange are in the middle of the warm and cold sides of the colour wheel. All the other cold colours are warmer than blue, and all the other warm colours are colder than orange. The colours represent :

Orange Horse:                Energy, Happiness, Vitality, excitement, adventure, warmth, and good health.

Blue gears and wings:    Calm, Responsibility, serenity, stability, inspiration, and wisdom.


Pegasus is forced to rise by the intervention of GBCCS and use its own inspiration, and high-flying imagination to achieve its goals and ambitions. The responsibility and effort to change and grow remain with the client.

It is their life and their destiny that are at the centre of the coaching process!!